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Pasado de wipe

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I wipedyo enjugué
you wipedtú enjugaste
he wipedél enjugó
she wipedella enjugó
we wipednosotros enjugamos
you wipedvosotros enjugasteis
they wipedellos enjugaron
they wipedellas enjugaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have wipedyo he enjugado
you have wipedtú has enjugado
he has wipedél ha enjugado
she has wipedella ha enjugado
we have wipednosotros hemos enjugado
you have wipedvosotros habéis enjugado
they have wipedellos han enjugado
they have wipedellas han enjugado

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